12VA is the shortened name and URL for the business side of what I do: 12VoltArts. If you’d like to know what 12VoltArts does, check out that site.

I wanted to place to just hear myself talk. No, really though… a few people have asked about some of the art I do, or the music I write, or the pictures I create. Some of it is not business oriented, especially the photography. This little blog is to talk about some of that.

If you are here, I, or someone I know very well directed you here to discover more about stuff we think is fairly interesting. I hope you don’t get disappointed.

Okay, so why the name 12VoltArts? I don’t know. I really can’t remember, but I formed it in 2000. Since then I’ve had a myriad of jobs: software designer, UX/UI designer, musician, composer, marketer, ad-man, strategist.

Are you interested in hiring my company? Feel free to contact me for a consultation.